Parkland and Wood Pasture Scheme

What are wood pasture and parkland?

Wood pasture consists of large open–grown trees usually growing in grassland. It often combines livestock grazing with woodland management. Tree species are generally broadleaved such as oak, lime, sycamore and horse chestnut.

Parklands are designed landscapes which are often associated with a country house, but can also form elements of pony paddocks and town parks in urban areas. Tree species are often a mix of broadleaves and conifers.

Why create new wood pasture/parkland?

Wood pasture and parkland have significant ecological and landscape benefits and contribute strongly to the wooded character and 'sense of place' of a large scale Forest area such as the National Forest. Wood pasture is a priority habitat in the UK and National Forest Biodiversity Action Plans and parklands are important historic and visual elements in the landscape across the National Forest area.

New wood pasture and parkland has value in a number of settings, including:

  • Well-wooded landscapes – linking areas of high forest with more open landscapes.
  • landscapes where large woodlands are less appropriate – such as sensitive historic and ecological areas.
  • agricultural landscapes – linked to grazing regimes, including horse paddocks.
  • providing wooded settings for country houses or farm buildings.
  • urban areas – enhancing open amenity greenspace, including school grounds.
  • river valley landscapes – where dense woodland is less appropriate.

For more information and details of how to apply for this scheme please complete the form below or contact: 
01283 551211

Get in touch

If you would like to register your interest and discuss this grant with us, please get in touch for more information. If you aren't sure that your project is in the National Forest before getting in touch, you can view this map

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